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What Inference Can Be Made About Montague From This Dialogue?

Подборка по базе: Методы работы с родителями по развитию творческих способностей в, Сагинова Уч пособие _zhylzhymaytyn_mulik_ekonomikasy (1).pdf, Философия - Учебное пособие.pdf, ++Практическая работа №7 Отработка навыков действий с корнями.do, Технологии содействия профессиональному развитию ПЗ1.pptx, Учебное пособие ОАиП-4.docx, Учебное пособие основы предпринимательской деятельности.doctor, курсовая Хайрутдинова Д.Ш. гр.1891 тема Пособие по временной нет, Новое пособие по WORD. Лабораторный практикум Часть 2.doc, Учебное пособие по основам бухгалтерского учета для студентов эк

Alice Freeman is a lawyer from San Francisco.
A □ I call up people are trying to improve their diets, simply they are doing it the incorrect style by following diets like the Atkins diet. Personally, I don't think it's very salubrious to cut out entire groups of foods like carbohydrates.
B □ Not very oftentimes. I don't have the time or talent to cook full meals. I ordinarily heat up a frozen meal or order a takeaway.
C □ Sometimes I become fast food for lunch, I tiave to acknowledge that I love French fries. I feel terrible nigh it afterwards, but I don't do it very often.
D □ I ordinarily have a basin of cereal or toast for breakfast. For dejeuner I swallow at a eatery near my role. I prefer Japanese or Indian food. I usually consume rice with fish and vegetables, soup or sushi. I don't eat meat, but I consume a lot of fish. In the evening, I just have something light at home.
Due east □ I am trying to cut down on the corporeality of fat I consume. I'm also trying to eat more than wholemeal bread.
F □ Not really. I enjoy sure kinds of food, simply most meals are simply fuel to keep me going through the 24-hour interval.

Jacqueline Fabre is an Information technology consultant from Lyons.
A □ Yes, I cook every evening for my family. I frequently make soup or traditional French

dishes like 'boeuf bourguignon', which is a kind of beefiness and carmine wine stew, and then nosotros take cheese and salad. It may seem a lot but we don't eat big portions. What'southward important for me is quality, not quantity.
B □ Yes, I'm trying to consume less chocolate.
C □ I think people's diets are getting worse and worse. It's quite strange because we have a lot of information now about how bad fast food is for you. I'm agape it's a problem in a lot of European countries.
D □ Not at home. I think most of the food I melt is healthy, but occasionally when I swallow out I have something unhealthy, simply it doesn't worry me.
Eastward □ Yep, definitely. For me good meals with the family unit make me happy!
F □ I'chiliad quite traditional and I have three main meals a twenty-four hours. For breakfast, I similar hot chocolate, and bread and butter with honey or jam. For lunch, I often consume in a eating place with my colleagues. I normally accept vegetables and meat or fish but I love pasta and rice too. In the afternoon, I have fruit with biscuits or a piece of chocolate. In the evening, I have a proper meal with my family.
B Read the interviews again and answer the questions beneath. Write A (Alice), J (Jacqueline), or B (both of them).

  1. ofttimes eats in restaurants

  2. eats quite a lot of sweetness things

  3. eats ready-prepared food

  4. cooks big meals at home

  5. enjoys eating

  6. feels bad when she eats unheathily

  7. is trying to swallow less of something

  8. prefers having practiced food to having a lot of food

  9. is negative about eating habits in her country

C Match the underlined words or phrases from the text with the definitions.

i. to take a meal in a eating house, not at home

2. a sweetness food made by bees, which people ofttimes eat on bread

3. the quantity you swallow of a kind of food during a meal

4. to make cold food hot

v. food you purchase from a restaurant to eat at habitation

vi. food from animals or plants used for cooking, e.k. oil, butter, etc.

7. food prepared in a particular way, eastward.g. sushi, lasagne, etc.

8. made from brown flour

9. a liquid nutrient, often made of vegetables, due east.g. tomatoes, onions

10. meat cooked for a long fourth dimension in liquid, unremarkably with vegetables
D Which of the 2 women exercise you lot think has the healthier diet? Why?
E Now interview each other with the questions from 1b. How like are your eating habits?

East.g. Is nutrient a pleasance for you? - Yep, definitely, I love eating.
Rail iv.2

Rumiko Yasuda is a magazine editor from Tokyo, Japan.

A Listen to Rumiko answering questions 2-half-dozen from the interviews. Practice you lot think food for her is fuel or pleasure? Why?
B Listen again and answer the questions.

  1. What does she usually have in the morning?

  2. Where does she normally have lunch and dinner?

  3. Why doesn't she often cook?

  4. Does she eat or drinkable anything unhealthy?

  5. Is she cut down on annihilation at the moment? Why (not)?

  6. What'south happening to the Japanese diet at the moment?

  7. Does she think this is a completely bad thing?

C Look at some of the things Rumiko said. Circle the correct form. And then compare with a partner and say why the other course is incorrect . See Grammer File № 6 (Nowadays Elementary/Present Continuous) .

  1. ane don't commonly have / I'one thousand not having breakfast at work.

  2. 1 used to become to fast food restaurants, merely at present I prefer / am preferring eating something healthier.

  3. I am drinking / I drink a lot of java every day.

  4. I think Japanese people get / are getting fatter.

  5. I similar / I'1000 liking the fact that in that location are more different kinds of food and restaurants now.

D Make questions to inquire your partner with the nowadays elementary or continuous. Ask for more data.
What / commonly have for breakfast?

How many cups of java / potable a day?

Where / usually take dejeuner?

How ofttimes / eat out a week?

/ prefer eating at habitation or eating out?

/ demand to buy whatever food today?

/ you lot hungry? / want something to eat?

/ take any vitamins or food supplements at the moment?

/ effort to eat healthily at the moment?

A Mobile phone questionnaire:

one. What make is your mobile?

2. How long take you lot had your mobile?

three. Are you thinking of getting some other one soon?

4. What ring tone exercise yous have?

5. Exercise y'all always use information technology 'hands free'?

6. What do yous utilize it for (apart from talking)?

vii. Where and when exercise you ordinarily switch off your mobile?

8. How often practice you text?

9. Do you apply…?

- a vocalisation mail - speed dialing

10. Accept you ever…?

…lost your mobile

…sent a text to the wrong person

…forgotten to turn your telephone off (with embarrassing consequences)
B In pairs, answer the questions.

1. Does it badger you when people speak loudly on their mobiles?

2. Does this happen a lot in your country?

3. What other things do people practise with mobiles that badger you?
Track four.3

A Heed to 5 people talking about things that annoy them almost mobiles. Friction match the speakers with what they say.

A says talking on your mobile can be dangerous

B complains about people who are very impatient to use their mobiles

C complains near people using mobiles on social occasions

D hates having to heed to other people's conversations

E complains about people who interrupt a conversation to respond the phone
B Match these sentences (1 - five) from the dialogues with their meaning (a - e).

i. You shouldn't answer the phone if yous're talking to a shop banana.

2. You take to switch off your mobile when y'all fly.

three. Yous mustn't utilize your phone until yous become off the plane.

four. Yous don't accept to shout - the other person can hear yous.

5. You should talk really quietly if you are in a public place.
a Y'all don't demand to practise this. It isn't necessary.

b Don't practice this. It isn't allowed / permitted.

c Do this considering it's a rule or the law.

d I remember information technology's a bad thing to do this.

eastward I retrieve it's a good affair to exercise this.
A Read the definition of manners. And so look at phrases 1-8. Are these laws (or against the police) or just good / bad manners? Mark M (manners) or L (law).
manners [pl noun] a way of behaving that is considered to be polite in a club or culture

MANNERS OR THE Constabulary?
1 Play noisy games on a mobile phone in public

2 Send text letters when your car is stopped at traffic lights

3 Switch off your mobile telephone on a plane

four Switch off your mobile telephone in class

5 Talk loudly on a mobile on public send

6 Utilize a paw-held mobile while driving a auto

7 Make very personal calls in public

8 Employ your mobile at a petrol station
B Compare with a partner. So brand sentences with...

You should / shouldn't ...(for manners)

Yous have to / mustn't.. .(for the law)
C Read Civilization stupor and tick ( ) the sentence which says what the article is about.

The English language, accept very practiced manners.

The English and Russian thought of adept manners is different.

The English are polite simply insincere.

The Russians are very rude and unfriendly.

Good manners are always proficient manners. That'south what Miranda Ingram, who is English, thought, until she married Alexander, who is Russian.

When I starting time met Alexander and he said to me, in Russian, 'Nalei mnye chai - pour me some tea' I got angry and answered, 'Pour information technology yourself'. Translated into English, without a 'Could yous...?' and a 'please', it sounded really rude to me. But in Russian it was fine - yous don't have to add whatever polite words.

Nonetheless, when I took Alexander home to meet my parents in the UK, I had to give him an intensive course in pleases and thank yous (which he thought were completely unnecessary), and to teach him to say sorry even if someone else stepped on his toe, and to grin, grin, smile.

Another thing that Alexander just couldn't understand was why people said things like, 'Would you mind passing me the common salt, please?' He said, 'It's only the salt; for goodness sake! What do you say in English if y'all want a real favour?'

He also watched in amazement when, at a dinner political party in England, we swallowed some really disgusting food and I said, 'Mmm . .delicious'. In Russia, people are much more direct The first time Alexander'south mother came to our house for dinner in Moscow, she told me that my soup needed more flavouring. After when we argued about it my hubby said, 'Do y'all prefer your dinner guests to lie?'

Alexander complained that in England he felt 'like the village idiot' because in Russia if yous smile all the time people think that you are mad. In fact, this is exactly what my hubby's friends thought of me the commencement fourth dimension I went to Russia because I smiled at everyone, and translated every 'please' and 'cheers' from English into Russian!

At home we at present have an understanding.

If nosotros're speaking Russian, he tin can say 'Cascade me some tea', and just make a noise like a grunt when I give it to him. Simply when we're speaking English language, he has to add a 'delight', a 'thanks', and a smile.
D Read the article again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the wrong sentences.
1.Miranda got angry because her married man asked her to make the tea.

2.Miranda had to teach him to say sorry when something wasn't his faut.

three.Her husband thinks English people are also polite.

4.Alexander wasn't surprised when people said they liked the nutrient at the dinner party.

five.The food was delicious.

6.Miranda didn't mind when her mother-in-law criticized her cooking.

7.Alexander thought his mother was correct.

8.In Russian federation it isn't normal to smile all the time when you speak to someone.

9.His Russian friends thought Miranda was very friendly because she smiled a lot.

10.Alexander never says thank you for his tea when he and Miranda are speaking in Russian.
E Now cover the text. Can you complete the phrases with the missing verbs?

1.___________on someone'due south pes or toe (past blow)

two.___________ some vino into a glass or tea into a cup

3.___________ a noise, like a grunt

4.___________ food (so that information technology goes from your mouth to your stomach)

5.___________ a give-and-take from English language into Russian
F Do yous concur that people in your land behave like that? How do you acquit?


A Consider the post-obit situations. In groups, discuss if people practice these things in your state. Do you recall it's expert or bad manners to exercise these things, or doesn't it matter?
e.g. In my country, we don't osculation people when nosotros meet them for the starting time fourth dimension.
Greeting people

buss people on both cheeks when you meet them for the offset time

call older people past their first names

employ more formal language when speaking to an older person
In a restaurant

let your children run effectually and be noisy

be very affectionate to your partner

talk on your mobile
Men and women – a man'due south function

pay for a woman on the first date

await for a woman to go through the door showtime

brand certain a adult female gets dwelling house safely at nighttime

always finish at a pedestrian crossing

hoot at someone who'south driving slowly

bulldoze with the window down and your music playing
Visiting people

take a present if you're invited to dinner at someone'south house

get in more than ten minutes late for a lunch or dinner

smoke in a house where the owners don't smoke
B Read the text and say what manners of other nations yous have learnt about.

A World GUIDE TO Good MANNERS How not to bear desperately away
Travelling to all corners of the globe gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, just this doesn't hateful that we all comport in the same fashion.

How should you behave when you encounter someone for the start time? An American or Canadian shakes your manus firmly while looking you straight in the eyes. In many parts of Asia there's no physical contact at all. In Japan you should bow, and the more respect you lot want to show, the deeper you should bow. In Thailand the greeting is made by pressing both hands together at the chest, equally if y'all are praying, and bowing your head slightly. In both countries, eye contact is avoided as a sign of respect.


Many countries have rules most what you should and shouldn't wear. In Asian and Muslim countries, you shouldn't reveal the torso particularly women, who should wear long-sleeved blouses and skirts below the articulatio genus. In Nippon you should have off your shoes when entering a firm or a restaurant. Remember to place them neatly together facing the door you came in. This is also true in People's republic of china, Korea, Thailand and Iran.

Nutrient and drink

In Italy, Spain and Latin America lunch is often the biggest meal of the solar day. and can terminal two or 3 hours. For this reason many people consume a light breakfast and a late dinner. In Britain you might have a business organisation luncheon and do business equally you consume. In Mexico and Japan dejeuner is a fourth dimension to relax and socialize, and the Japanese rarely drink booze at lunchtime. In Great britain and the USA it is not unusual to have a concern meeting over breakfast, and in China it's common to have business banquets, but you shouldn't hash out business during the repast.

Doing business

In near countries the exchange of business organization cards is essential for all introductions. You lot should include your company name and your position. In Japan you must present your card with both hands, with the writing facing the person y'all are giving it to. In many countries business hours are from ix.00 or ten.00 a.m. to v.00 or half-dozen.00 p.m.

Japanese business people consider it their professional person duty to go out after work with colleagues to restaurants, confined, nightclubs. If you are invited, you shouldn't turn down even if you don't experience like staying out late.

1. In many Asian countries information technology is acceptable to smack your lips when you eat. It means that the food in proficient.

2. In France you shouldn't sit downward in a cafe until you lot've shaken hands with everyone y'all know.

three. In Afghanistan you lot should spend at to the lowest degree v minutes saying howdy.

4. In Islamic republic of pakistan you mustn't flash. Information technology is offensive.

v. In China your host volition keep refilling your dish unless you lay your chopsticks across your bowl.

half-dozen. Most South Americans and Mexicans like to stand very close to the person they are talking to. You shouldn't back away.

7. In Ireland social events sometimes end with singing and dancing. You may be asked to sing.

viii. In America yous should consume your hamburger with both hands and equally apace as possible. Y'all shouldn't try a conversation until information technology is eaten.
C Work in pairs, brand up a dialogue using the pattern:

A: Did yous know that..... ?

B: No, I didn't./Yes, I did. I also have learnt that...
D Split upward into groups of three or four and describe our nation's manners to a person from a strange country. What must he know if he wants to visit Russian federation?

Revise Modal Verbs, Conditional I to make upwards correct sentences (Grammer Files № 9, 10).
21. PROJECT Action:
Choose a country for your study and prepare a presentation. Speak near peculiarities of the chosen culture. Present your report to the class. Follow the plan below and tips given in Studying File № ii.
1. Manners

2. Festivals and holidays

3. Sights and interesting places

4. Cuisine

5. Reasons for visiting

i. Exercise you like travelling? How often practise you travel?

2. Where have yous been so far? What countries (cities, towns) did you like most? Why?

3. Do you like to go sightseeing? What places have yous seen?

4. Tell about your wonderful holiday.

5. What places would you similar to visit? What cities are (non) worth visiting?

6. What are the master advantages and disadvantages of different forms of travelling?

7. Is food a pleasance for you lot? Practice you ever melt? What are your eating habits?

8. What pieces of communication tin can you lot give to people if they want to visit a different country?
