When the Saucers Again Dived Under the Water
Spherical UFO plunges into the ocean in Usa Navy footage

A spherical unidentified flight object (UFO) hovers in midair, moves side to side like a ball in the "Pong" video game and and then seems to swoop into the ocean, in footage that was recently released online by a filmmaker who produces documentaries about UFOs.
Though a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that the U.S. Navy did capture the footage, the spokesperson did not comment on where and when information technology was filmed.
On May 14, Jeremy Corbell described the mysterious object on his website, writing that "the US Navy photographed and filmed 'spherical' shaped UFOs and avant-garde transmedium vehicles" — arts and crafts that can travel through air and water — in 2019. Corbell also shared the footage on Instagram and YouTube.
Related: 7 things most often mistaken for UFOs
In the clip, which appears to take been shot off a monitor and has several edits, a dark, round blob sits to a higher place the horizon. Male voices are audible in the footage; 1 says "took off, bookin' it," as the object moves horizontally in the screen'southward crosshairs. The scene "reached a crescendo" with the hulk entering the water, and one of the off-screen voices says, "Whoa, it splashed!" equally the UFO disappears, Corbell wrote.
According to Corbell, the footage was filmed on July 15, 2019, at approximately xi p.g. PDT, from inside the USS Omaha's Combat Data Center, near the declension of San Diego. Radar images of the UFO show a solid ball, measuring about 6 feet (2 meters) in diameter, flying at speeds of 46 to 158 mph (74 to 254 km/h). Its flight lasted over an hour, culminating with the sphere vanishing beneath the waves. No wreckage was constitute at the location where the object went downwardly.
"A submarine was used in the search and recovered zip," Corbell wrote. "We practice not know what, if annihilation, the Navy or Pentagon might be willing to say virtually the USS Omaha incident, simply we are confident the incident is a legitimate mystery and look forward to whatever information might be forthcoming," he wrote on Instagram.
Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confirmed that U.S. Navy personnel did capture the footage that Corbell posted, The Debrief reported on May 14. Gough told The Debrief in an email that the footage was included in "ongoing examinations" by the Unidentified Aeriform Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), a U.S. Function of Naval Intelligence program that investigates reports of unexplained aeriform vehicles, according to The Debrief.
However, Gough did non comment on any of the other UFO details that Corbell included in his writeup, The Debrief reported. The footage is not classified, and stills of the spherical UFO were previously included in a UAPTF intelligence briefing from May 1, Corbell wrote in a tweet on May 14.
More UFO-related disclosures may be coming from the Pentagon in the coming weeks, equally a new UFO study is scheduled for release in June, Live Science previously reported.
If yous tin't wait that long, you can get-go by catching upwardly on more than 3 decades of the U.South. government's one time-secret UFO records. A new online annal includes more than two,700 pages of CIA-declassified reports dating to the 1980s; the documents were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and were uploaded as PDFs to The Blackness Vault website by author John Greenwald Jr., Live Science reported in January.
Originally published on Live Scientific discipline.
Source: https://www.livescience.com/ufo-flies-and-dives-navy-footage.html